Monday 6 August 2007

Turning point for US Home Builders?

US Home Builders have been taking an absolute hammering second only to some mortgage providers such as AHM. So is it time to reassess? Are there bargains to be had? According to Michael Shedlock of MGETA, and I whole heartedly agree, absolutely not:

Bankruptcy is one way out for these homebuilders to stop the lawsuits cold turkey and walk away scot free of what some might say would be their moral obligations. No doubt some of these builders will soon find that option attractive. The only real question about bankrupt homebuilders is "Who's first?" As for "Who's to blame?" the list is long but start with the Fed and proceed to Congress and this administration.

Mortgage brokers are dropping like flies so it's only natural that Home builders be next. As Mish notes, it's just a matter of "Who will be first?" Click here for the full article.